
Built-in Plugins

Plugin Description
action Command the Client to interact with the server.
channel [Stub] Query information about channels.
commands Parses commands from privmsgs and emits them as events.
config Configuration including configDefaults and the config method
ctcp A plugin that does not currently exist, but will in the future. Handles the Client-to-Client-Protocol things, including providing a repsonse to the version ctcp request.
help Provides !help and !commands
messages Listens to the IrcSocket, turning each line into a message event.
self Information about the client. Currently just the nickname function that is also accessible on the Client.
server Query information about the server. Currently just the ISUPPORT info.
subscriber Provides the handlers plugin hook.
user [Stub] Query information about users. Currently just who a user is identifed as, if anybody.

Tennu Core

Struct Description
Client God object of an IRC connection.
Configuration The base configuration structure passed to Tennu to create a Tennu object
Logger Object with various logging methods.
Message The structure passed for each IRC message event.
Command The structure passed for each command.
Response The return value of your handlers.
Plugin Factory The object used for creating plugins. Holds an init function that creates a plugin plus static plugin metadata.
Plugin The object returned by a plugin factory.


Struct Description
ChannelName An identifier of a channel. A case insensitive string that starts with a channel type character, generally a “#”. Does not contain whitespace.
NickName An identifier of a user. A case insensitive string. Does not contain whitespace or start with a number.
HostMask An identifier of a user. A string of NickName!UserName@HostName.
Mode A mode change of a user or channel.
isupport A parsed 005 handler.


Plugin Struct Description
Admin Administrator Description of an admin for your bot, to be placed in the list of admins.