Control Plugin

This plugin lets you control your bots.

This bot requires the admin plugin.




All of these commands require the user be an admin for them to perform.

The target must be a nickname, channel, or one of <reply<> or <query>.

<reply<> makes the bot's command happen where the command was given. <query> forces the command to happen specifically to the nickname that triggered the command. While not useful on their own, these are useful when combined with the dynamic-alias plugin.

!say <target> <message>

Has the bot say (via PRIVMSG) the message to the target.

!act target action

Has the bot act the action to the target.

!notice target message

Has the bot send a notice to the target

!ctcp target CtcpType CtcpMessage

Sends a CTCP to the target.

!join <channel>

Has the bot join the channel. Does not currently work for channels with passwords.

!part [<channel>]

If the channel is not given, the bot will part the current channel.

If you part in a query without giving a channel, the bot will instead give you the help message for the command.

!quit [<reason>]

Has the bot quit, possibly with the specified reason.

!nick new-nick

Has the bot change its nickname to the specified nickname.

!mode target +modes parameters

Has the bot perform the mode changes.

target can either be the bot’s nickname or a channel.

Works exactly like /mode would in your IRC client.



