Action Plugin

This plugin is built-in.

This plugin provides functions to communicate with the server.

All of its export properties are also available as methods on the Client.


raw(message...: String)
Send a raw message to the server. Useful for sending messages that don't have functions defined in this plugin. If there are multiple arguments, they'll be joined together with a space.
rawf(format: String, args...: String)
A convenience function for sending a [util formatted string](//
act(target: Target, action: String | [String])

Commit an action to the target. Basically what your client's /me does.

Example: client.act("#chan", "plays the ukelele.");

ctcp(target: Target, tag: CtcpTag, body: undefined | String| [String])
[Deprecated] Send a CTCP request or response to the target.
ctcpRequest(target: Target, tag: CtcpTag, body: undefined | String | [String])
Send a CTCP request to the target.
ctcpResponse(target: Nickname, type: CtcpTag, body: undefined | String | [String])
Send a CTCP response to the target.
join(channel: ChannelName): Promise<JoinResponse>
Attempt to join channel. Returns a promise of the results, though the actually returned object is unstable.
join(channel: ChannelName, password: String): Promise<JoinResponse>
As prior, but sends the password to the channel for channels that have mode +k.
kick(channel: ChanelName, nick: NickName)
Attempt to kick user with specified nick from the channel.
kick(channel: ChannelName, nick: NickName, reason: String)
As prior, but kicks with the specified reason.
mode(target: Target, plus: String, minus: String, params: [String])

Attempt to change modes on the target.

Ex: client.mode(client.nickname(), "B", "", [])

nick(newNick: NickName)
Attempt to change the bots nickname.
notice(target: Target, message: String | [String])
Send a notice to the target.
part(channel: ChannelName)
Cause the bot to leave the channel.
part(channel: ChannelName, reason: String)
Cause the bot to leave the channel with the specified reason.
Cause the bot to quit.
quit(reason: String)

Cause the bot to quit with the specified reason.

Note: The reason is ignored on many servers if the bot quits within the first minute.

respond(response, privmsg)

Added in Tennu 4.8.0.

Send a response.

The privmsg is required because a response uses the details on the privmsg for the target if not given.

Note: Every command is also a privmsg.

say(target: Target, message: String | [String])
Send a message to the target.
userhost(user: Nickname)
Gets the userhost of the user.
userhost(users: [Nickname])
Gets the userhosts of the users.
who(channel: ChannelName)
Get the WHO data of the channel.
whois(user: NickName, undefined, opts: {memoizeOver: Object})

Get the WHOIS data of the user. Returns a Promise<Result<WhoisResult, WhoisError>>.

You can optionally pass an object with a memoizeOver as the third parameter to memoize over this value. If you are doing a whois in reaction to a private message (including commands), you should memoize over the private message. Otherwise, your bot may whois the same nickname multiple times in quick succession. For a command, you can get the private message with Object.getPrototypeOf(command).

whois(users: NickNamesSeparatedByCommas)
Whois multiple nicknames at the same time. This doesn't return a promise, or allow memoization. If you need either, file an issue or send a PR.